
There is a lot of information and free resources on the internet.  But I once read that information cannot truly be valuable until it becomes knowledge.  “Google” this and you’ll see lot’s of articles on information vs knowledge!

If you are a practitioner reading this, you’ve likely spent a lot of money to get your degree.  And since there really aren’t any degrees for functional medicine (only certificates), it’s only natural to question spending money on more education (especially when it often costs as much if not more than a degree!).  Use the free resources, but remember that putting the functional medicine model into practice is best done by obtaining formal education (I put together a detailed list of organizations and individuals that provide formal education, which took me hundreds of hours to compile but the measly cost for it, $25, will save you valuable time).  Click here for an excerpt PDF of one of the 19 charts in the guidebook, and click here for more information about what is included, and/or to purchase the guide.

Thank you in advance for your time and support!  I truly hope the resources I provide will help!