Legal Support


Mandatory for all functional medicine businesses!  And unfortunately, there aren’t many attorneys that are knowledgeable in the risks associated with integrative and functional medicine.  I personally spent over $10k on legal fees for my business, only to find out there were a lot of elements missing in my forms.

Thankfully, I came across one attorney – Scott Rattigan, aka “The Functional Lawyer” (his wife is a physician working in functional medicine!) who offers a more cost-effective approach.  We recorded a live discussion via Zoom, about telemedicine and health coaching/consulting across state lines (if licensed practitioner).  You should still be able to access the recording (it would be sent to your email), if interested (click this link to access this).  Otherwise, here are some out-of-the-box ways that he helps practitioners for a lot less than what I paid!

  • Documents by need (these cost around $100 to $300, and can be bundled; each includes a video tutorial on how to personalize them)
  • A year-long membership for those that are just getting started (includes all the documents, monthly support calls, and more for around $4000 for the first year, a lot less after that)
  • And even a new telemedicine course (with documents, for around $1000 – through 2020 with weekly COVID updates and Q&A)